If you’re not Already Selling Online you are Losing Money!
It’s no secret that people have been moving to a predominantly online orientated sales platform, there are several reasons why business owners from small to large scale operations have opted for this over the more common brick and mortar store setups, let’s talk about a few:
eCommerce Accessibility:
Not only is your online platform available 24 hours a day and 365 days a year but it is also accessible from virtually any geographical location in the world. Where there is the internet, there are people shopping. This allows you to reach a wider target market with little effort and ease and even opens up the possibility of your product reaching the international market with integrated shipping and payment options, it’s never been easier.
eCommerce Cost and Overhead Reduction:
Comparing the running costs of a brick and mortar store to that of an eCommerce store is like comparing apples to sandwiches. eCommerce platforms if done right can offer you higher profit margins on your products and services because the overheads are significantly lower with variables like rent, rates and taxes and employee salaries being replaced by much smaller hosting costs and site maintenance.
In-depth Product Focus:
eCommerce platforms allow us to give a broader description of specified items that wouldn’t be available in stores such as comprehensive product descriptions such as size specifications, functionality, etc. They also enable us to do things like compared buying where you can compare products to each other side by side and make a more informed decision when purchasing.
These are just a few reasons why eCommerce platforms are the future of selling and are slowly but surely making retail spaces redundant. Get in touch today!
We are a Creative Content Production Agency specialising in Video Production, Photography, Graphic Design, eLearning Development, Web Design, Animation and Creative Consultation. | info@oliverkarstel.co.za | www.oliverkarstel.co.za | IG.com/oliverkarstel