Learner Management Systems Integration Checklist
A well-optimised learner management system plays a pivotal role in most organisations as it drives skills development, collaboration, company culture and ultimately productivity. There are many advantages to an integrated LMS, these include:
- Centralised Access
- Simplified System Governance
- Easier System Administration
- Improved Security
- Simplified Collaboration
- Enhanced Functionality
- Advanced Reporting
Typically there are 3 Types of Integration:
- Integrating an LMS into an existing system, like a SharePoint intranet environment.
- Integrating a new feature into your LMS, such as a webinar tool like Teams.
- Migrating an existing system into a new one.
Learner Management Systems
In order to successfully integrate your learner management system we advise you to consider the following:
An Application Programming Interface or API is a software intermediary between two systems that allows them to communicate. To ensure a smooth integration an API is essential, especially when dealing with foreign systems where access to the developers is limited. In some cases, an API may be custom developed or bypassed, but this usually requires considerably more development time.
LMS & Data Migration
A learner management system is data-driven, which means proper governance and data management are essential. Besides POPI regulation your data should be shareable with other systems in an effective manner. This is even more prevalent for large and established systems where the data is incredibly vast.
Active Directory
This is applicable to any organisation where their systems are self-hosted, as cloud systems have the user permissions configured through the portal/platform rather than the network. Make sure your integration is configurable with your active directory, otherwise your system governance and security will be heavily compromised.
LMS Account Configuration
This applies to integrating new features into your learner management system, as these often require additional accounts and management. In some cases configuring an SSO or Single Sign-On is essential, as with each newly added feature your list of accounts will keep growing. With Single Sign-On access is streamlined to a single login, improving system productivity and governance.
LMS Design
When integrating new features into existing systems we recommend considering the design elements of your learner management system and branding. In some cases, custom design and development may be required for more elaborate corporate identities. Look and feel are essential to maintain professionalism but it also plays a big role in how intuitive the system is to use, and as such should be carefully considered.
This article should arm you with the knowledge you need for any learner management system integration. Whether you’re upgrading your existing system or migrating to a new one, there are many important elements to consider. Many of which could save you valuable time and money.
Contact our team for your next LMS integration.
We are a leading video production company in Johannesburg and have one of the top learner management systems in South Africa. We specialise in Video Production, Photography, Graphic Design, eLearning Development, Web Design, Animation and Creative Consultation. | info@oliverkarstel.co.za | www.oliverkarstel.co.za | IG.com/oliverkarstel